Friday 13 March 2015

To make India immune

Though human beings are most developed species in process of evolution with most differentiated brain, they are most vulnerable, helpless and totally dependent creatures in their early stages of childhood. A calf can move to its mother to get nourished itself, chick takes a flight within few days of egg hatching, a cub searches for its pray soon after its birth but what an infant can do is only to seek support of people around him/her. But what is important in it ? The important thing is to think that how should such most dependent creatures on the earth be developed into a healthy and disease free generation, living a healthy life.

We all enter this world with an inexperienced immune system. What happens when a child is exposed to external world after birth !! He/She battles with an on ongoing series of germs, viruses, bacteria and many other micro-organisms; slowly developing immunity against such invaders. Immunity is basically the tendency of an individual to resist a particular infection, disease or toxins with the help of certain chemical agents known as antibodies synthesized with the help of WBCs.

According to a study conducted by UNESCO (2010) 40% of children in India do not get complimentary food or nutrition in addition to breast feeding milk till they are 8 months old. The late introduction to complimentary feeding is linked to lower immunity levels in India. The infants born pre-maturely also have a weak immune system. A report published in 2012, shows that India has highest number of deaths due to pre-mature births and ranked 36th (among 199 countries) in list of pre-term birth globally. Inadequate nutritional intake and lack of supplementary nutrition in pregnant women is main cause of low immunity in their pre-mature infants. Pre-mature babies tend to have immature immune system, which make them prone to frequent infections. So they need more holding, more food for growth and more protection against infections.

Malnutrition and specific nutrient deficiency are another important causes of immunodeficiency diseases in children. According to a report by Sam Mendalson, an estimated 40% of world's severely malnourished children live in India.

The solution to prevent immune deficiency is not supporting pharmaceutical corporations in India, but utilizing natural and affordable solution. Good nutrition provides the building block of strong immune system. The nutrients that immune system needs are extensive and includes Vitamin C, zinc, iron, antioxidants, vitamin A, Calcium etc. Fruits and Vegetable are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that naturally boost up immune system of children. They help reducing wear and tear on body and thus make body less susceptible to infections.

Ayurvedic rejuvenate herbs like Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Trifala, Amla, Tulsi etc are rich in nutrient supplements and antioxidant properties. But in order to intake all the essential dietary supplements, there is a problem of selecting food. As no one food is absolutely adequate in term of nutrition.

At this moment, I came to remember the words of my father, who used to say “Beta class me top karna hai to Dabur Chyavanprash khana padega” in my childhood. I used to wonder how one or two tea spoon of this Aryuvedic formulation in a day would get me first place in class. But my father's intention was to make me more healthy and immune, so that I could study properly without any health disorder. The whole work that Chyavanprash does, is to enhance immunity against infections. It is rich in Amla (good source of Vitamin C and antioxidant), Giloy (Guduchi with immune modulatory properties), Pippali (anti stress, digestive, immunity enhancer), Mustak (anti-inflammatory) and over forty herbs and plant extracts. Along with improving immunity, it gives strength to children, increase digestive power, memory and cure cold cough etc. Thus it is an ancient Aryuvedi health tonic rejuvenating, energizing and immunizing the body of children as well as Adults.

Another natural remedy for immune deficiency in children is daily consumption of Honey, which has anti aging and anti bacterial properties. 1 tea spoon of pure Honey of a reputed brand (like Dabur honey) should be given to child regularly. The consumer education and research society has ranked Dabur honey the “best buy” after conducting test on 17 brands on honey in India.

Whenever the word the “immunity” comes in our mind we can't ignore the word “vaccination”. It is the introduction of antigenic material to stimulate an individual's immune system against particular pathogen. Different vaccine are given to children at different time interval and also to pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy. But nowadays many vaccines are also associated with several side-effects and sometimes can even become a fatal. For instance in Beed district of Maharastra, an 11 month old child lost life because of low-immunity due to vaccine derived Polio. Although such cases are very rare, many vaccines have been banned in developed countries. It doesn't mean that all vaccines cause side-effects and injuries, but mission of immune India can not be achieved only with the help of Vaccination.

Kashyap Samhita (in Ayurveda) states that instead of Vaccination one must apply natural ways to build immunity in child like oil massage. The skin of infant is more permeable compared to adults. The child should be given a mixture of Ghee and Honey for first 4 days after birth along with natural herbal oil massage (say Dabur baby oil). It increases mental capacity, memory retention power and immunity in child.

Thus people need to move towards more natural and herbal remedies to improve immunity. India can become immune only through the combine efforts of administration and people.

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